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Landscaping, Trees, Ornamental and Native Gardens

large tree

Landscaping, Trees, Ornamental and Native Gardens

Are you planning a landscape installation, a new tree, or even an ornamental or native garden project? We can acquire the desired landscape plants, prepare soils, and properly plant your new trees, shrubs, or herbaceous perennials.

bed of flowers

Arbor Doctor trees and plants are inspected at planting time to insure the proper planting depth and that the root flare is at the proper level.

Arbor Doctor will also facilitate the contributions of some of our area’s top landscape designers to design your landscape or native plant garden when a more extensive design is desired.

Arbor Doctor Top Plant Picks

Your virtual arboretum with photos and characteristics of our favorite recommended trees, shrubs, and landscape plants, all of which we can plant for you! Our recommendations are based on decades of personal experience and observation.

Tree roots with moss

Arbor Doctor Plants Trees With Flare!

Your tree will be inspected to ensure the root flare is near the soil surface, not buried as is the case with the majority of trees in landscapes.

From plant selection, calculating proper spacing, and evaluating sunlight exposure, Arbor Doctor provides professional insight from selection to installation. We want you to pleased with your investment and rest assured that they have been properly planted and will have an ability to thrive for years to come. That’s what we do, professional tree and shrub planting!

Tree planting considerations

Tree Selection publication and video to help choose the best tree for your situation.

Article: Tree Selection For The Un-Natural Environment

tree on side of road

How large will the tree or shrub get?

Size is an important consideration in tree selection. Trees should fit in the available growing space without pruning. This is of primary concern under utility lines as the utility has the right-of-way. It is also important to consider proximity to pavement. The root flare which may eventually impact pavement may be three times the trunk diameter.

Because large trees give a higher return in environmental benefits, plant large tree species whenever the space allows. Large trees can be structurally strong if attention is given to structural training while young.

Dawn redwood tree
Dawn redwood is one example of a strong, long lived, fast growing tree.

How quickly will the tree or shrub grow?

Homeowners often desire fast-growing trees. Some fast-growing species may have shorter life spans, but not always. Your Arbor Doctor expert can guide you in choosing the best tree to fit your needs.

Are the soils suitable for the tree or shrub to be planted?

Suitable rooting space is a major limiting factor in tree growth. Poor soil conditions contribute to 80% of tree health issues. Unfortunately, many homeowners and landscape designers fail to consider soil limitations in tree selection and planting.

Environmental conditions

Exposure to sun, wind, heat, and cold are considerations in tree selection. Issues related to winter hardiness and winter burn can be reduced with proper placement on susceptible species.

Arbor Doctor LLC was honored to plant this memorial tree for the late Sergeant Eric Sierra

Westwood Town Hall Historic District - Eric was one of the best officers I ever had the privilage of meeting in the Cincinnati Police Department. He was a great asset to the community and he will be sorely missed. On Memorial Day weekend, with the planting of this blue spruce tree at the Westwood Town Hall, we salute Sergeant Eric Sierra and offer our heartfelt condolences to his family and the members of the Cincinnati Police Department. This tree was dedicated to his memory on Sunday, May 31, 2015. Memorials may be made toward the Eric Sierra Children’s Fund.

- Ron Rothhaas, Arbor Doctor LLC

Society grows great when it plants a tree
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