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Green leaves in a forest

Welcome to Arbor Doctor LLC! 

Our team will provide you with landscape and tree care solutions in Greater Cincinnati, Southwest Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Southeast Indiana.

We offer you a full range of sustainable plant health care and landscape services click here to learn more

Pollinator Tested Arbor Doctor Approved Sustainable Solutions logo with bee holding honey bucket

Welcome to Arbor Doctor LLC! 

Our team will provide you with landscape and tree care solutions in Greater Cincinnati, Southwest Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Southeast Indiana.

Unlike pesticide-centric plant health care programs, our organic nutrients are healthy for your plants. The nutrients thicken the cell walls to help the plants defend against insect attacks and be as resistant as possible to disease. Pesticides may still be utilized, but only in a targeted, limited fashion. We use pesticides which are low or no toxicity whenever possible.

Larger trees and shade trees

FEB 27, 2025
Field Maple, Hedge Maple Acer campestre
Sugar Maple Acer saccharum
Autumn Blaze Maple Acer x freemanii 'Autumn Blaze'
Yellow Buckeye
FEB, 2025
The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has expanded the Box Tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis) federal quarantines to include all counties in Delaware and Erie County in...
JAN, 2025

WSDA, USDA Announce Eradication of Northern Giant Hornet from the United States

JAN 13, 2025
This past Wednesday, December 18, the WSDA in partnership with the USDA announced that after three years without any confirmed detections, the northern giant hornet is officially declared t...
JAN, 2025
American Society of Consulting Arborists logo with RCA #794 Registered Consulting Arborist

Ronald E. Rothhaas, Jr.

ISA Board Certified Master Arborist®


Arbor Doctor owner Ron Rothhaas is a Registered Consulting Arborist (RCA), an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist®, a frequent contributor to the nationally syndicated In The Garden With Ron Wilson radio gardening show, and is the primary author and contributor of the Plant Health Care Newsletter for the Ohio Green Industry Association. Ron has been an ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) Certified Arborist® since 2004 and in February 2017 passed the exam for ISA Board Certified Master Arborist®.

RCAs have achieved the highest level of arboricultural credentialing available and can handle the most challenging and highest-profile assignments.

The ISA Board Certified Master Arborist® credential is the highest level of certification offered by ISA. This credential recognizes ISA Certified Arborists® who have reached the pinnacle of their profession. In addition to passing an extensive scenario-based exam, candidates must abide by the ISA Board Certified Master Arborist® Code of Ethics which ensures quality of work and high ethical standards. Fewer than two percent of all ISA Certified Arborists® currently hold this certification. Ron’s expertise is highly valued in the horticultural and arboricultural communities and he in a frequent guest on the In The Garden With Ron Wilson radio show, occasionally even co-hosting the gardening show originating from Cincinnati but broadcast nationwide on affiliate stations and iHeart Radio.

Companies We Work With

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Natorp's logo
Dave & Aaron Stang's Certified Tree Care logo
Dave & Aaron Stang's Certified Tree Care
Hyde Park Landscape and Tree Service logo
Hyde Park Landscape and Tree Service
Holscher Hackman Garden Center logo
Holscher Hackman Garden Center

Very professional.

Homeowner in Hamilton, OH.

Steve & Wesley were very helpful the other day and went out of their way to be courteous…loved your customer service from the office staff to Steve & Wesley. They were neat and precise. 

John, Sayler Park

Ron, my deepest thanks for making time in your busy schedule to transplant the tree my mother gave me many years ago. I recommend your company to all my friends and family. You are truly an honest caring individual with deepest passion for your work. I also want to give a shout out to (Certified) Tree Service for recommending you. I have taken your advice and created a mulch bed of pine bark for the tree. It has taken wonderfully to it’s new location. Thank you and may you have a blessed summer.

Marcos, Liberty Twp.

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