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Wild Parsnip: Look But Don’t Touch
Trees are cool! Really!!!
I recently sent boxwood samples to The Ohio State University Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic. The results came back with the following comments:
After incubation in moist chamber, we observed Volute...
Reflecting on faithful companions and deep-rooted connections.
We measure our lives in all kinds of ways. By the places we’ve lived. The people we’ve dated. The pets we’ve had. The jobs we’ve worked....
Bad Looking Boxwoods
It’s that scaly time of the year…
In winter site inspections, we are finding a lot of Japanese maple scale on a lot of different plants, many you may not expect. This is a blue holly loaded with Japanese maple scale.
Can you believe we are already almost 1/6 done with 2023 and at the end of meteorological winter? Meteorological spring begins on March 1!
A new invasive pest has arrived in the Cincinnati area. The spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) was first detected in the United States in Pennsylvania in 2014 and has been spreading ever since. A...