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Arbor Doctor April 2022 client update and latest blog postings

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Arbor Doctor April 2022 client update and latest blog postings

Mar 31, 2022

We are now one month into Meteorological spring but it has felt like winter some lately, except for that one 80-degree day. Up and down, it must be spring in Cincinnati! Things are getting busy at Arbor Doctor, and will only get busier as trees and plants leaf out and begin their journey into springtime.

Some services such as air knife work was delayed this spring due to wet soils. Things have dried out some recently and we are hoping to get caught up on some of that. In spring, everything happens at once and it can be difficult to do everything at once, although we do the best we can.

Ups and Downs

We had one of the warmest Decembers on record this winter followed by a colder than normal January. February was a bit above normal and March has been much above normal, except of course for the mid-winter type cold in late March.

Supply Chain, Postal Service Issues, and Software Issues. Oh My!

The supply chain issues and labor shortages which are affecting everyone have affected us as well. Besides supply chain issues, we have been experiencing significant issues with US Postal Service deliveries. This has slowed receipt of payments and other correspondence. If we call you regarding a late payment even though you sent it some time ago, this may be the reason. It is as frustrating for us as it is for you. We apologize for the inconvenience but it is largely out of our control.

Regarding labor issues, we have a great core horticultural team this year of Steve Middleton, Wesley Yauch, Josh Pawlowski, and Noah Riggs. Noah just started in February and has really impressed us with how quickly he is learning. He has a great enthusiasm and work ethic. Noah is engaged to be married in June to a wonderful young lady so congratulate him if you see him.

Welcome Noah, and a big thanks to Steve and Wesley who have been great team members for a number of years.

Spring is the season for mulching

Mulch plays an important role in regulating soil moisture and soil temperature. To the extent possible recycle fallen leaves back into the soil around the trees and maintain mulch around the trees to a radius of at least 3-5 feet. Keep mulch off trunks. Use a coarse textured mulch. Avoid triple shredded mulch. Aged arborist wood chips, mulched and composted leaves, pine bark, and pine straw are all good. Very finely ground mulches such as triple ground hardwood mulch are not beneficial and may inhibit moisture and oxygen exchange.

Here are updates posted on our blog page over the past month or so:

On a personal note, last year was a challenging year for me personally although Arbor Doctor had a good year. As my oldest daughter fought her own battles as she progressed through the teenage years and my two youngest challenged our sanity, it took a toll on me and my wife. I had to look at myself in the mirror and ask, “What kind of a man am I? What kind of a father am I? What kind of a business owner am I? Society sends us a lot of confusing and contradictory messages as to what we are to be like and aspire to.

I recently listened to the following podcast which helped to bring a lot of things into perspective. This is funny, profound, really good and not too long. The “keeper of the garden”:

Please call us any time you have a question. We get really busy in the spring so sooner may be better than later. Thank you for trusting us with your valuable trees, shrubs, and landscapes.

I pray your late winter and spring season may be a blessing.


Ronald E. Rothhaas, Jr.
Principal, Arbor Doctor, LLC.
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist®, OH-5177B
(513) 661-2673

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