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Arbor Doctor Update. Very Dry. Critical Need to Water. Year of the Aphid.

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Arbor Doctor Update. Very Dry. Critical Need to Water. Year of the Aphid.

Jun 1, 2023
Kousa dogwood
Figure 1. Kousa dogwood (Cornus kousa) in its full glory as we enter meteorological summer.

Well, it’s only been a week or so since my last update but I have important new information.

And just like that, it is meteorological summer and it is very dry in most of Ohio. Not the way I like to see the season start out. I have seen no measurable rain at my southwest Ohio location since the last newsletter and most Ohio locations have also been dry. If you have had good rainfall, congratulations. You are the exception.

I am seeing considerable drought stress developing in lawns. Unirrigated newer trees and shrubs are wilting down (never a good sign) and dying. Many trees and shrubs were damaged by the fall drought and winter cold snap and this is only exacerbating the problem.

Please read this blog article on the current, worsening dry conditions and the need to water:

Very dry and getting drier. Need to water

We are getting inundated with calls regarding sap dripping from trees. In general, this problem will correct itself without causing much harm but in some cases the effects are quite alarming, and messy. Please read this important update:

“The Year Of The Aphid”


Have a blessed Meteorological Summer.



Ronald E. Rothhaas

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