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Recommended trees, shrubs, and herbaceous perennials for wet areas

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Recommended trees, shrubs, and herbaceous perennials for wet areas

Mar 31, 2022

Below is a listing of trees, shrubs, and herbaceous perennials which can grow in wet or moist soils. You will notive that willows and serviceberry are not on this list. Weeping willow in particular like to grow near water but not in it. Seviceberry is often listed as liking moist soils but this does not play out in the clay soils of Cincinnati. In Cincinnati, serviceberry prefers drier soils.

This list includes both native and non-native plants but seeks to exclude invasive species.

Red Maple

Acer rubrum

30 feet to 50 feet


Aruncus dioicus

4 feet to 6 feet

Sweet Birch

Betula lenta

40 feet to 55 feet

River Birch

Betula nigra

40 feet to 70 feet

Siberian Bugloss

Brunnera macrophylla

12 inches to 18 inches

Emory’s Sedge

Carex emoryi

1 feet to 3 feet

Blue Sedge

Carex glauca

12 inches to 18 inches

Tussock Sedge

Carex stricta

1 feet to 3 feet


Codiaeum variegatum

3 feet to 6 feet

Elephants Ears, Taro

Colocasia esculenta

12 inches to 60 inches

Silky Dogwood

Cornus amomum

6 feet to 10 feet

Redosier Dogwood

Cornus sericea

7 feet to 9 feet

Lenten Rose

Helleborus orientalis

12 inches to 18 inches

Francee Hosta

Hosta ‘Francee’

12 inches to 24 inches

Hosta June

Hosta ‘June”

12 inches to 18 inches

Lemon Lime Hosta

Hosta ‘Lemon Lime’

12 inches to 18 inches

Patriot Hosta

Hosta ‘Patriot’

12 inches to 18 inches

Sagae Hosta

Hosta ‘Sagae’

2 feet to 3 feet

Yellow Flag Iris

Iris pseudacorus

18 inches to 30 inches

Blue Flag Iris

Iris versicolor

2 feet to 3 feet


Liquidambar styraciflua

60 feet to 75 feet

Black Gum

Nyssa sylvatica

40 feet to 60 feet

Garden Phlox flowers

Garden Phlox

Phlox paniculata

24 inches to 48 inches


Platanus occidentalis

75 feet to 100 feet

Swamp White Oak leaves

Swamp White Oak

Quercus bicolor

50 feet to 70 feet

Water Oak

Quercus nigra

50 feet to 80 feet

Pin Oak

Quercus palustris

50 feet to 80 feet

Willow Oak

Quercus phellos

40 feet to 70 feet

Lesser Celandine yellow flowers

Lesser Celandine

Ranunculus ficaria

1 inches to 4 inches


Spiraea tomentosa

2 feet to 4 feet



Tanacetum parthenium

18 inches to 24 inches

Bald Cypress

Taxodium distichum

40 feet to 70 feet


Tradescantia ohioensis

24 inches to 30 inches


Tradescantia virginiana

12 inches to 24 inches

Toad Lily

Tricyrtis hirta

24 inches to 36 inches

Common Periwinkle

Vinca minor

3 inches to 6 inches

Cup Plant

Silphium perfoliatum

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