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Showing Entries with tag "Plant Health Care"

Elm Leafminer Sawfly Damage on leaf
The leaves of native elms, non-natives, and hybrids can look a bit bedraggled at this time of the year owing to the leafmining activity of the elm leafminer sawfly. Fortunately, leaf...
Preserved bug models
While there is something to see year round in the world of Spotted Lanternfly or SLF, last week, a group of Extension professionals – Jim Jasinski with our IPM Program, Thomas deHaas in Erie County,...
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Tree with no leaves and sunset in background
Egg masses of Spotted Lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula, on Tree of Heaven, Ailanthus altissima, were discovered by an arborist during the week of February 14. Ohio Department of Agriculture inspected ...

The USDA Forest Service recently completed a story map entitled “Oak Wilt in the Northeastern and Midwestern States”. Oak wilt, which kills hundreds of thousands of oaks in the U.S. each year, is comp...

red mulch

Foundational to plant health care is healthy roots and healthy soil ecology. Surprisingly, many of the mulches we have been using in our landscapes are not as wonderful as we think. Very finely ground...

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