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Showing Entries with tag "Plant Health Care"

Swamp Doodlers
Dodders are parasitic plants belonging to the morning glory family, Convolvulaceae. They were formerly placed in the dodder family, Cuscutaceae, with only one genus in the family, Cuscuta. I think i...
Fall Webworm on black walnut tree
Fall Webworms (Hyphantria cunea, family Erebidae) have been virtual no-shows over much of Ohio this season. Although, there are reports of highly localized populations with noticeable nests, trees i...
fallen tree
Storms blew through Sandusky Ohio Saturday, August 12, 2023, taking down branches, trees, and power lines.
Published on
Thomas deHaas
Volutella Canker
It’s important to prune out boxwood stems that have dead brown foliage to aid in recovery from winter injury. However, it’s also important to learn whether or not the stems were infected by opportun...
tree roots

By Chris OlsonChris Olson, BCMA | TRAQ WE-12363BBCMA | TRAQ WE-12363

Young trees are dying every day from secondary opportunistic pests. Many are unaware as the symptoms can be random.

– Crown die b...

Box Tree Moth damage to boxwoods
The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) announced this past week that Box Tree Moth (BTM) (Cydalima perspectalis, family Crambidae) had been confirmed in Hamilton and Clermont counties in southwest...
BTM Caterpillar
Box Tree Moth (BTM) caterpillars develop through 7 instar stages. The caterpillars have undergone a rapid rate of development and are now easy to spot. The larger caterpillars mean more foliar damag...
Box Tree Moth damage to bush
The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) has announced that the Box Tree Moth (BTM) (Cydalima perspectalis (family Crambidae) has been confirmed in southwest Ohio near the borders of Hamilton and Cl...
Myzocallis Oak Amphids on leaf
Environmental conditions coupled with biological properties have conspired to make this “The Year of the Aphid” with honeydew spewed onto leaves, stems, sidewalks, cars, etc., across Ohio. There hav...
Honeydew on leaves

I’ve never seen honeydew raining down as it is this year in my area of southwest Ohio. The BYGL has chronicled much of this.

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