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Witch hazel

Can you believe we are already almost 1/6 done with 2023 and at the end of meteorological winter? Meteorological spring begins on March 1!

Spotted Lanternfly

A new invasive pest has arrived in the Cincinnati area. The spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) was first detected in the United States in Pennsylvania in 2014 and has been spreading ever since. A...

Box Tree Moth
This BYGL Alert is an update on the box tree moth (BTM) (Cydalima perspectalis). On May 28, 2021, BYGL contributor Joe Boggs authored an alert about this invasive species that was on the radar, and ...
line of blooming trees
Callery Pear sales are coming to an END. As of January 7th, 2023, Callery Pear, Pyrus calleryana and its cultivars will no longer be able to be bought or sold in Ohio. This is the end of the 5 year ...
tree outside of building entrance
Many gardeners ask the question “Will this survive?” The real question that needs an answer is “Will this plant THRIVE?” Most of the time, the answer to the question is “Right Plant, Right Place.”
chopped tree tops
Safety around large trees is important. Cutting heavy branches seems to make sense. But in the long run, the trees become even more hazardous to people and property when trees are topped.
scale on tree branch
Winter can be an ideal time to scout for scale on deciduous trees. The reason ‘Sooty Mold’ on the trunk or bark.
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Thomas deHaas
Pouring bucket of maple
Midwinter cold got you down? With daytime high temperatures above 32 degrees F, and nighttime lows below 32, now is the time to consider tapping Maples.
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large trees
Evergreens make up a large portion of our landscapes. Some selections tend to be embraced, overplanted and can lead to insect and disease pressure. Also, care and pruning can enter into the selectio...
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