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Grim Reaper drawn overtop of picture of trees with mulch mounds
The horticultural horrors commonly called “mulch volcanoes” and “tree moats” defy explanation. These abominable tree and shrub mulching practices can combine with other stress-related issues to wrea...
Bark Beetle on quarter
I recently received an e-mail message from a homeowner asking for help with small beetles found throughout their home collecting on window sills. The concerned homeowner had used online resources to...
Poison Hemlock
Poison hemlock is currently in the growth stages in southern Ohio that are susceptible to early-season management options. Seeds have germinated and last season’s rosettes are beginning to “bolt.”  ...
Wild Parsnip
Wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L., family Apiaceae (= Umbelliferae)) plants are now large enough to be readily identified in southwest Ohio. Parsnips have been cultivated as a root crop in Europe fo...
Bush turning yellow taken out of the ground

I recently sent boxwood samples to The Ohio State University Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic. The results came back with the following comments:

After incubation in moist chamber, we observed Volute...

art of woman holding tree and man looking at tree in her hands

Reflecting on faithful companions and deep-rooted connections.

We measure our lives in all kinds of ways. By the places we’ve lived. The people we’ve dated. The pets we’ve had. The jobs we’ve worked....

bushes around pole
Boxwood leafminer damage is already becoming apparent. However, the symptoms are highly variable and may be mistaken for winter injury, a “leaf blotch” disease, or something else. Birds seeking meat...
white spots on branches

In winter site inspections, we are finding a lot of Japanese maple scale on a lot of different plants, many you may not expect. This is a blue holly loaded with Japanese maple scale.

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