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Showing Entries with tag "Tree Biomechanics"

treetops cut

I was mortified this morning when I spotted this arboricultural massacre in my neighborhood. These silver maples are admittedly weak wooded but this butchery will make the situation far worse.

trees on edge of landslide
It’s sad to see more trees headed for the burn pile. Some will die a slow, painful death. Others will suffer from pruning wounds, wrong selection, but most will eventually perish!
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chopped tree tops
Safety around large trees is important. Cutting heavy branches seems to make sense. But in the long run, the trees become even more hazardous to people and property when trees are topped.
Tree Biomechanics Research Week 2022 shirt with logo

If you’ve never heard of Tree Biomechanics Week, it’s time you did.

Tree biomechanics incorporates biological study and engineering principles to understand how plant growth leads to the ability to w...

Ron taking selfie with other guy on radio show

On August 6, 2022, Arbor Doctor Ron Rothhaas joined yardboy Ron Wilson on 55KRC and iHeart Radio to discuss trees, weather, tree biomechanics, the Amish, and probably more. Click here to listen to the...

Collage of tree roots, tree, and tree bottom

Perhaps this tree should be called “The Table Oak”, as it stands on four “legs” – each a buttress root – with no central wood at all. It won’t stand forever, of course, but it’s been like this for at ...

Man climbing tree
Published in The Edge of The National Association of Landscape Professionals
Pruning is an important practice that removes dead and dying branches, allowing for new growth while protecting people...
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