Showing Entries with tag "Tree Health"
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Arboriculture BGYL Biomechanics Buckeye Yard and Garden Line Business Client Communications Drought Emerald Ash Borer Environment Events Garden Professors Blog Garden Rant Blog General Global warming and climate change Horticulture Inspirational Invasives Local Horticulture Native Plants Nature Phenology Plant Health Care Pollinators and Bees Pruning Recommended trees, shrubs, and plants Ron Wilson Online Safety Sustainability Tree Biomechanics Tree Health Tree Preservation Tree Risk Assessment Weather RelatedBiochar Application - A Practical Guide for Improving and Constructing Soils for Urban Trees
Biochar is a type of charcoal produced from exposing organic
materials (woody or agricultural waste products) to heat of around
450-650°C in a low- or no-oxygen environment through the p...
Box Tree Moth (BTM) Federal Quarantine Expanded
Research scientists at the Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories – the research arm of the F. A. Bartlett Tree Expert Company – have developed novel Integrated Pest Management strategies to treat Bea...
By Caleb J. Wilson, Ph.D.
Trees in species-rich forests often suffer less damage from insect pests compared to trees in forests dominated by a few common species. Many hypotheses have been proposed...
What the ‘HAIL’ happened to my tree?
Arboricultural mutilation
I was mortified this morning when I spotted this arboricultural massacre in my neighborhood. These silver maples are admittedly weak wooded but this butchery will make the situation far worse.