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Showing Entries with tag "Tree Health"

Leaf exhibiting signs of Beech Leaf Disease.


Research scientists at the Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories – the research arm of the F. A. Bartlett Tree Expert Company – have developed novel Integrated Pest Management strategies to treat Bea...

Scales on tree and branch

By Caleb J. Wilson, Ph.D.

Trees in species-rich forests often suffer less damage from insect pests compared to trees in forests dominated by a few common species. Many hypotheses have been proposed...

fallen tree
Storms blew through Sandusky Ohio Saturday, August 12, 2023, taking down branches, trees, and power lines.
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Thomas deHaas
treetops cut

I was mortified this morning when I spotted this arboricultural massacre in my neighborhood. These silver maples are admittedly weak wooded but this butchery will make the situation far worse.

trees on edge of landslide
It’s sad to see more trees headed for the burn pile. Some will die a slow, painful death. Others will suffer from pruning wounds, wrong selection, but most will eventually perish!
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Myzocallis Oak Amphids on leaf
Environmental conditions coupled with biological properties have conspired to make this “The Year of the Aphid” with honeydew spewed onto leaves, stems, sidewalks, cars, etc., across Ohio. There hav...
Sycamore tress with no leaves
You may have noticed that some Sycamores have lost many of their leaves. Are they going to be OK? The short answer is, probably.
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Thomas deHaas
The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) has scheduled mating disruption treatments in 9 Ohio counties. Treatments are scheduled for later this week, but timing will be weather dependant.
Emerald Ash Borer on leaf
The lead image for this Alert of an Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) (Agrilus planipennis, family Buprestidae) adult was taken on June 1, 2023, in Butler County, OH. According to our Ohio State Phenology Cal...
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