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Showing Entries with tag "Tree Risk Assessment"

fallen tree
Storms blew through Sandusky Ohio Saturday, August 12, 2023, taking down branches, trees, and power lines.
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Thomas deHaas
chopped tree tops
Safety around large trees is important. Cutting heavy branches seems to make sense. But in the long run, the trees become even more hazardous to people and property when trees are topped.
Tree Biomechanics Research Week 2022 shirt with logo

If you’ve never heard of Tree Biomechanics Week, it’s time you did.

Tree biomechanics incorporates biological study and engineering principles to understand how plant growth leads to the ability to w...

Collage of tree roots, tree, and tree bottom

Perhaps this tree should be called “The Table Oak”, as it stands on four “legs” – each a buttress root – with no central wood at all. It won’t stand forever, of course, but it’s been like this for at ...

Tree with Kretzschmaria deusta

Recently I was called upon to inspect an apparently healthy American beech (Fagus grandifolia) tree. Outside of a few tightly bifurcated branch unions, the only real issue with this tree with a 43-inc...

Lightning strike on tree

Lightning is one of nature’s most powerful forces. Lightning can have devastating effects on people, property and trees. Each strike of lightning can reach more than five miles in length, and produce ...

hole in ground

Previously, my casebook has recorded the construction of paths causing root damage and basal decay in trees. Due to the recent winter storms, these lessons in ‘path-ology’ have now extended to documen...

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