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Common Milkweed
This can be a particularly tough time of the year to learn plant identification. With the warm temperatures and plentiful rainfall, vegetative growth is rapid, and we’re often left looking at a wall...
Weekly weather forecast

Here is the forecast, as of this writing, for the period June 13-16, 2022, the last full week of spring according to the astronomically based calendar. People often snicker when I make a big deal out ...

Can you believe it is now summer? Well, meteorological summer at least. While the calendar, based on the position of the sun only, says we have 3 more weeks of spring, those of us in horticulture know...

Japanese Maple Scale on branch
Oystershell Scale has long presented a management challenge given its wide host range coupled with limited insecticide targets. However, this armored scale has been largely supplanted by the Japanes...
European Elm Scale on branch
European Elm Scale (Eriococcus spurius (formerly Gossyparia spuria)) females are dripping sugary, sticky honeydew in southwest Ohio. This is one of the “felt scales” (Family Eriococcidae) so named b...
Stop Bagworms sign
Look closely at trees and shrubs festooned with last season’s Common Bagworm (Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis) bag-abodes. Overwintered bagworm eggs are hatching in southwest Ohio meaning the “bagworm...
 Hydrangea Leaftier Moth
The Hydrangea Leaftier Moth (Olethreutes ferriferana, family Tortricidae) is so named because the caterpillars tie together developing leaves on wild and cultivated hydrangeas to produce oddball “le...
Cilician Fir tree

Cilician Fir (Tree, difficult to locate in commerce) (Non-native, non-invasive)

Abies cilicica

This was posted by one of my connections on LinkedIn and it is too good not to share:



Running a business is really hard.


What they don’t tell you is that it can cause se...

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