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Plant Health Care Links


Listed below are links to more information about specific insects and diseases found in our landscapes. Please notify us if you find a broken link. GDD = Growing Degree Days. Photos are previews and are linked to the full articles. Thank you! Enjoy.

4. Adelgids: Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid – Adelges cooleyi egg hatch 308 GDD

5. Adelgids: Eastern Spruce Gall Adelgid – Adelges abietis egg hatch 308 GDD

6. Alder Leafminer – Kaliodenusa ulmi adult emergence 224 GDD

7. Allegheny Mound Ants in Kentucky  |  PDF

8. Ambrosia Beetles (BYGL)

9. ANTHRACNOSE DISEASES OF TREES – Beech anthracnose symptoms can be confused with leaf scorch, a physiological disease associated with heat and drought. With anthracnose, the necrotic tissue expands from the inner portions of the leaf outward. With leaf scorch, the browning first appears along the leaf edges and …

10. Anthracnose of dogwoods

11. Anthracnose of maples

12. Anthracnose of Shade Trees PPFS-OR-W-23   

Close-up of tree branch with some dead leaves
leaves on the ground

47. Borers: Dogwood Borer – Synanthedon scitula adult emergence 830 GDDUniversity of Connecticut Dogwood Borer

48. Borers: Emerald Ash Borer – Agrilus planipennis adult emergence 550 GDD, Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) FAQs for Kentuckians  |  PDFEmerald Ash Borer in Indiana

49. Borer: Greater Peach Tree Borer – Synanthedon exitiosa adult emergence 775 GDD

50. Borers, Lesser Peach Tree Borer – Synanthedon pictipes adult emergence 372 GDD

51. Borers, Lilac Borer – Podosesia syringae adult emergence 330 GDD, Lilac borer pheno forecast map

52. Borers: Maple Petiole Borers  |  PDF

Symptoms: A sudden drop of many sugar maple leaves in May - June can be due to injury by a small wasp larva that burrows in leaf petioles. These stems usually break at a darkened area near the leaf blade. Usually, infestations are limited to sugar maples and only about 15% to 20% of the leaves fall to the ground.

While spectacular, the leaf drop has little effect on the tree health. Buildups of scales or aphids, or drought stress can cause leaf loss but these typically occur later in the year.

105. Diagnostic Lab: Research Associates Laboratory

106. Diagnostic Lab: Spectrum Analytic Inc.

107. Diagnostic Labs. Canker Sampling of Trees and Woody Ornamentals.

108. Diplodia Tip Blight of Pine (1.2 MB) PPFS-OR-W-21

Picture of Tree (Fig. 1 Diplodia Top blight infections occurring year after year result in dieback of lower limbs and eventual death of mature pines)

174. Fungi

176. Fungi:

177. Fungi: Wood Decay Fungi Diagnostic Reference

178. Fungi: Wood Decay Fungi in Landscape Trees

179. Fungicides for Management of Landscape Woody Ornamental Diseases PPFS-OR-W-14

UK Cooperative Extension Service banner
Cypress Twig

180. Fungicides, Homeowner’s Guide to PPFS-GEN-07

181. Galls: Cypress Twig



284. Roses ID-118

285. Rose Rosette Disease PPFS-OR-W-16, Sustainable Roses

286. Rose slug (sawfly)

310. Scale: Obscure scale  |  PDF

312. Scale: Pine Needle Scale – Chionaspis pinifoliae egg hatch – 1st generation 305 GDD; Pine needle scale pheno forecast map

313. Scale: Spruce Bud Scale BYGLSpruce Budscale – Physokermes piceae egg hatch 894 GDD

314. Scale: Striped Pine Scale – Toumeyella pini egg hatch 783 GDD

315. Scale: Taxus Scale  |  PDF

316. Scale: Terapin Scale

317. Scale: Tuliptree Scale  |  PDF

318. Scale: Walnut Scale  |  PDF

319. Scale: White Peach Scale

320. Scale: White Prunicola Scale

321. Scale: Winged Euonymus Scale – Unaspis euonymii egg hatch 892 GDD

322. Scale Insect Management

323. Shoestring Root Rot – A Cause of Tree and Shrub Decline PPFS-OR-W-05

324. Slime Mold, Lichens, & Sooty Mold Problems on Plants PPFS-GEN-06

325. Slugs  |  PDF

326. Smooth Crabgrass – first seedling emergence 155 GDD

327. Southern Pine Beetle  |  PDF

328. Sowbugs & Pillbugs  |  PDF

329. Spectrum Analytical Labs

330. Spider, Brown Recluse Spider  |  PDF

331. Spider Chart: Common Kentucky Spiders

332. Spiders Found Around Homes & Buildings  |  PDF

333. Spiders, Garden Spinder Orb Weavers

334. Spotted Lanternfly/check-out-the-spotted-lanternfly-factsheet/

335. Spotted Lanternfly treatment options New York state list

336. Springtails  |  PDF

337. Spruce decline: The decline of the Colorado and blue spruce in midwest landscapes

338. Squirrels, bark stripping

339. Stem Girdling Root Removal

340. Stress & Decline in Woody Plants (9 MB) ID-50

341. Suckers: Stopping sucker sprouts on trees

342. Sudden Oak Death

343. Sunscald and Sunburn on treesMy Japanese Maple Tree's Bark Is Coming Off with Bugs in the Branches: What Is Wrong?

344. Sycamore and London Planetree Red Bark Phenomenon

345. Tar Spots of Maple | BYGL

347. Tent caterpillars  |  PDF

348. Thousand Cankers Disease in Walnut, sample submission protocol PPFS-OR-W-15

349. Ticks & Disease  |  PDFTicks (Ohioline)

350. Topping Is Hazardous to Your Tree’s Health ID-55

351. Transplant Shock: Disease or Cultural Problem? (1.7 MB) PPFS-OR-W-19

352. Tree Health Website (University of Kentucky)

353. Tree Health Assessment Checklist

354. Tree Pathologist Stephanie Adams

355. Tree roots: Surface Root Syndrome

356. Tree Wounds—Invitations to Wood Decay Fungi (3 MB) PPFS-OR-W-01

357. Tubakia Leaf Spot on oaks.

358. Twig Blights of Juniper PPFS-OR-W-11

359. Two-lined Chestnut Borer

383. Woody Plant Disease Management Guide for Nurseries and Landscapes ID-88

384. Yellowkneck caterpillars

385. Yellowjackets  |  PDF

386. Yellow Poplar Weevil  |  PDF

387. Zimmerman pine moth

Trees Are Good

The Arbor Doctor highly recommends you visit Trees Are Good, brought to you by the ISA.

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